

  • Album Info
  • Daily Thompson
  • 2024
  • Noisolution


This album sounds like Seattle in every note and brings back the feeling for the music of this city and the
dreamy lover’s look back to the 90s. Grunge, alternative, stoner, a little fuzz a little
psychedelic. DAILY THOMPSON are music nerds and collectors of this decade, so it was a matter of the heart for
was a matter of the heart for them to record their sixth album exactly where the roots of this music can be found.
are to be found.
After the predecessor “God Of Spinoza” had already been produced by Tony Reed (Mos Generator, Stone Axe, Big Scenic
Nowhere, among others), the plan to record in Seattle was quickly realized. The
Port Orchard was certainly an inspiring backdrop for these recording sessions, which not only gave the album
not only imbued the album with the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and honed the band’s signature sound, but also gave the
the band’s signature sound, but also imbued the band with the spirit of the musical history of the Northwest USA.



1. I’m Free Tonight
2. Pizza Boy
3. Diamond Waves ( A Love Song For The Ocean)
4. Raindancer
5. Ghostbird
6. Chuparosa