Tschaika 21/16 – Prinzessin Teddymett
Tschaika 21/16 – Prinzessin Teddymett

TSCHAIKA 21/16 has grown into a trio and has once again cranked up the “ideas per second”. The madness of the debut album is reduced to a children’s song here. Rhythmically even more complex, more sophisticated in sound, more melodic, more driving, more versatile, more vocals, more trumpets, more More…
To be played in small doses and enjoyed with caution: Gottdzilla’s all-purpose coffee
01. Teddimett 4:08
02. Lust am Scheitern 0:09
03. GoTTdzillas Allzweckaffe 5:52
04. Jeder macht was ich kann 0:35
05. Kekse kaputt 3:00
06. Erika aus Amerika 1:07
07. Cafe Flagranti feat. Rixdorfer P 3:27
08. Raus aus meine Strandmusch 0:26
09. Prinzessin Ausbaus argwöhnisch 5:41
10. Hilfeweizen 0:26
11. KitaHupe vs Flipper am Limit_Mst 7:28
12. Wurscht on ze Rocks 6:27
13. Inter Lude
14. Mutti ist vom 7:43
15. Making Of Konzert für stre 6:33