
Giftes Part 1 & 2

Giftes Part 1 & 2

ATNLERED MAN, Cover, Giftes Part 1 & 2, Noisolution

01. Outrages 1 Ta 3
02. If You Can’t Beat Them, Try Solvents!
03. Platoono of Uno
04. Better The Calamity You Know
05. Surrounded By White Men
06. Buddhist Soup
07. Schizo Tennis
08. Mr. Runner-Up Teenage Bloomfield
09. Balloons, Needles, Sunlight And Evil
10. Misruly Roo


Giftes Part 1 & 2” ist derbe, treibend, aber auch orchestral und durchaus harmonisch. Heavy, Punk, Wave, Core, New Metal… Intelligenter, Bass-driven Punkrock mit viel Harmonien, aber durchgeknallt und schwer zu greifen.


Pressestimmen zu “Giftes Part 1 & 2”


“The Debut single is a classic slice of fucked up rock. Rolling drums, heavy as f.. distorted bass and hypnotic guitar. All overlaid with a vocal Jello Biafra would be proud of. The track builds into a frantic conclusion – sure to be a live killer.” Red Hot Velvet


“An even stranger beast is ANTLERED MAN, who blend fierce, pummeling hardcore punk with prog time signatures, polished off with orchestral tinges provided by flutes and violins.” The Fly

“So bunt wie das Hundertwasserhaus.” VISIONS


Gut so!


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