
BLACK LUNG – Formationswechsel: Meet Dave #2!

BLACK LUNG kündigten bereits Anfang des Jahres den Ausstieg von Gitarrist Adam an und damit den ersten Formationswechsel seit ihrer Gründung. Wir wünschen Adam weiterhin alles Gute und heißen seinen Nachfolger herzlich willkommen: Welcome to the family, Dave Fullerton!

Drummer Elias erzählt dazu:
It was a heavy moment when Adam decided earlier this year to leave the band, although we had seen it coming for awhile. He just didn’t feel he could put in the necessary time and effort any longer, given the growth of his company Wild Kombucha. We were happy for him but sad to see him go…Fortunately, we know a lot of talented musicians in Baltimore and one in particular was of great interest to us. Dave Fullerton was already a friend from having sharing the stage with his phenomenal instrumental band Deaf Scene over the years. And our hunch turned out to be spot on because it took only about one hour of jamming together to convince us he was the guy. He definitely brings a fresh take to Black Lung’s sound, with his intense sonic depth and tonal precision. And I think his roots in the progressive, post-rock world will help our music evolve in an exciting new direction. The only problem is at practice I have to say ‘Cavalier’ or ‘Fullerton’, otherwise nobody knows which Dave I’m talking to.”

Die Band arbeitet gerade fleißig an neuem Material und neue Tourdaten für 2020 sind ebenfalls in Planung…
2020 wird spannend!