MOTHER TONGUE – Zusatz Konzert in Berlin! Live Album Recording!

– Breaking Noisolution News –
Es gibt auf der Mother Tongue Tour eine weitere Zusatzshow! Und nicht nur das ist eine News wert, es wird dort auch ein Live-Album aufgenommen! Damit diese grandiose Live-Band endlich einmal all das auf Band bringen kann, was ihre Faszination ausmacht, tun wir unser Bestes dafür, dass es ein unvergesslicher Abend wird.
Natürlich ist das abhängig von vielen Komponenten und so ein besonderer Abend ist schwer planbar, die Technik muss mitspielen, der Club, die Band muss in Bestfrom sein, aber vor allem muss auch das Publikum dabei sein, ein Teil davon sein. Also wartet nicht zu lange.
Am 14.04.2020 Berlin – Frannz Club
Und hierein paar Worte von Davo Gould:
“Around 28 years ago or so, we met with the legendary record producer Eddie Kramer to discuss him producing our debut album. Eddie had seen the band and pitched a vision for how he would try and capture the band – A live album. Obviously, we didn’t go in that direction. But Mr. Kramer, who knows a thing or two about rock and roll, was perhaps onto something in regards to Mother Tongue. And if I am to be completely truthful, while I am proud of the albums we have made, the fact is that our sound has never been effectively captured in the studio. There may be a variety of reasons for this, but most of all, the glaring absence on all Mother Tongue records, the magic that is missing, is you. What we say at shows is true. You are all in the band. You breathe life, fire, urgency, and emotion into our songs and in the spaces in between. Which is why all these years later, we are excited to see Mr. Kramer’s vision through. In conjunction with Noisolution Records, we will be recording a live album in our symbolic hometown. Please join us April 14th at the Fraanz Club in Berlin. As always, no set list. No preconceived plans. We’ll sip a little whiskey, drink a little wine…with all of us playing together, we’ll have a real fine time. On behalf of the band, we hope to see you there. Feel Free. Xo, Davo”